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*Denotes student author.


In Press

Gilman, T.L., *Ford, M.T., Jasnow, A.M. & Coifman, K.G. (in press). DRD4 Polymorphism associated with greater positive affect in response to negative and neutral social stimuli. Annals of Human Genetics. PDF, Supplemental Materials.


*Mitchell, B.J., *Balikos, Y, *Seah, T.H.S. & Coifman, K.G. (in press). Does past military experience impact fear reactivity in active-duty firefighters? Well, it is complicated. Psychological Trauma, Theory & Research. PDF


*Aurora, P., *Disabato, D. & Coifman, K.G., (in press). Positive affect predicts engagement in adaptive health behaviors within a day, but not across days. Motivation & Emotion.


*Seah, T.H.S., *Almahmoud, S. & Coifman, K.G. (in press). Feel to Heal: Negative emotion differentiation promotes medication adherence in Multiple Sclerosis. Frontiers: Psychology. PDF


Coifman, K.G. & *Aurora, P. (in press). From Social Avoidance to Substance Use: Working Memory and Negative Affectivity Predict Maladaptive Regulatory Behaviors in Daily Life Across Diagnostic Groups. Cognitive Therapy and Research. Doi: 10.1007/s10608-021-10284-8


Thompson, C.A., Taber, J.M., Sidney, P.G., Fitzsimmons, C.J.*, Mielicki, M.K., Matthews, P.G., Schemmel, E. A., Simonovic, N.*, Foust, J.L.*, Aurora, P.*, Disabato, D.J., Seah, T.H.S.*, Schiller, L. & Coifman, K.G. (in press). Math matters: A novel, brief educational intervention decreases whole number bias when reasoning about COVID-19. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. Special Issue on Risk Perception, Communication, and Decision Making in the Time of COVID. PDF


*Mitchell, B.J., *Aurora, P. & Coifman K.G. (2021). Personality or Pathology? Predictors of early substance use in first year college students. Journal of American College Health.


Carter, S. C., Griffith, E. M., Jorgensen, T. A., Coifman, K. G., & Griffith, W. A. (2021). Highlighting altruism in geoscience careers aligns with diverse US student ideals better than emphasizing working outdoors. Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1). PDF


Coifman, K.G., *Disabato, D., *Aurora, P. *Seah, T.H.S., *Mitchell, B. *Simonovic, N., *Foust, J., Sidney, P., Thompson, C., & Taber, J. (2021). What drives preventive health behaviors during a global pandemic? Emotion and Worry. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 55(8) 791-804, doi: 10.1093/abm/kaab048


Coifman, K.G., *Disabato, D.D., *Seah, T.H.S., Ostrowski-Delahanty, S., Palmieri, P.A., Delahanty, D., & Gunstad, J. (2021). Boosting positive mood in medical and emergency personnel during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Preliminary evidence of efficacy, feasibility, and acceptability for a novel online ambulatory intervention. Occupational and Environmental Medicine doi:10.1136/oemed-2021-107427


Coifman, K.G., *Seah, T.H., *Nylocks, K.M., *Wise, A., *Almahmoud, S., *Summers, C., *Aurora, P. *Garcia, M. & Delahanty, D.L. (2021). Micro versus Macro Level Processes on the Path to Disease: How stress impacts sleep, affect, risk-related behavior and symptom development in high risk adults.  Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 34(4) 381-396.  Doi: 10.1080/10615806.2021.1888933


*Seah, T.S. & Coifman, K.G. (2021). Emotion Differentiation and Behavioral Dysregulation in Clinical and Non-Clinical Samples: A Meta-Analysis. Emotion,


*Aurora, P. & Coifman, K.G. (2021). Unpacking Social Avoidance and Substance Use in Social Anxiety: Does Extraversion Predict Behavioral Choices in College Students? Psychopathology & Behavioral Assessment, 43, 281-292.


*Seah, T. H. S., *Matt, L. M., & Coifman, K. G. (2021). Spontaneous self-distancing mediates the association between working memory capacity and emotion regulation success. Clinical Psychological Science, 9(1), 79-96.



Thompson, C. A., Taber, J. M., Sidney, P. G., Fitzsimmons, C., Mielicki, M., Matthews, P. G., … Coifman, K. G. (2020, June 15). Math matters during a pandemic: A novel, brief educational intervention combats whole number bias to improve health decision-making and predicts COVID-19 risk perceptions and worry across 10 days. Pre-print available:


*Seah, T. H. S., *Aurora, P., & Coifman, K. G. (2020). Emotion differentiation as a protective factor against the behavioral consequences of rumination: A conceptual replication and extension in the context of social anxiety. Behavior Therapy, 51(1), 135-148.



Coifman, K.G., Kane, M.R., Bishop, M., *Matt, L.M., *Nylocks, K.M. & *Aurora, P. (2019). Predicting negative affect variability and spontaneous emotion regulation: Can working memory tasks estimate emotion regulatory capacity. Emotion. Advance online publication.


*Nylocks, K. M., Rafaeli, E., Bar-Kalifa, E., *Flynn, J. J., & Coifman, K. G. (2019). Testing the influence of negative and positive emotion on future health-promoting behaviors in a community sample. Motivation and Emotion, 43, 285–298.


Coifman, K. G., & *Summers, C. B. (2019). Understanding emotion inflexibility in risk for affective disease: integrating current research and finding a path forward. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 392.



Coifman, K. G., Halachoff, D. J., & *Nylocks, K. M. (2018). Mitigating risk? Set-shifting ability in high threat sensitive individuals predicts approach behavior during simulated peer-rejection. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 37(7), 481-513. PDF


*Nylocks, K. M., Gilman, T. L., *Latsko, M., Jasnow, A. M., & Coifman, K. G. (2018). Increased parasympathetic activity and ability to generate positive emotion: The influence of the BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism on Emotion Flexibility. Motivation and Emotion, 42(4), 586-601. PDF


Kerns, K., Stuart-Parrigon, K. L., Coifman, K. G., Van Dulmen, M. & Koehn, A. (2018). Pet-Dogs: Does their presence influence preadolescents’ emotional responses to a social stressor? Review of Social Development, 10.1111/sode.12246. PDF



Gilman, T. L., Shaheen, R., *Nylocks, K. M., Halachoff, D., Chapman, J., *Flynn, J. J., ... & Coifman, K. G. (2017). A film set for the elicitation of emotion in research: A comprehensive catalog derived from four decades of investigation. Behavior Research Methods, 49(6), 2061-2082. PDF


Coifman, K.G. & *Almahmoud, S.Y. (2017). Emotion Flexibility in Psychological Risk and Resilience. In U. Kumar (Ed.) Handbook of Resilience: A Psychosocial Perspective. New York: Routledge.



Latsko, M., Gilman, T.L., *Matt. L.M., *Nylocks, K.M., Coifman, K.G. & Jasnow, A.M. (2016). A Novel Interaction Between Tryptophan Hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) Gene Polymorphism (rs4570625) and BDNF Val66Met predicts a high-risk emotional phenotype in healthy subjects, PLoS One 11 (10) e0162585. PDF


Shepard, K.A., Coifman, K.G., *Matt, L.M. & Fresco, D.M. (2016). Development of a self-distancing task and initial validation of responses. Psychological Assessment. PDF


*Matt. L.M., Fresco, D.M. & Coifman, K.G. (2016). Trait Anxiety and Negative Affect Differentiation: A vulnerability factor to consider? Anxiety Stress & Coping. DOI: 10.1080/10615806.2016.1163544 PDF


*Almahmoud, S.Y., Coifman, K.G., Ross, G.S., Kleinert, D. & Giardina, P. (2016). Evidence for multi-dimensional resilience in adult patients with transfusion-dependent Thalassemias: Is it more common than we think?  Transfusion Medicine, 26(3), 186-194. PDF


Coifman, K.G., *Flynn, J.J. & Pinto, L.A. (2016). When Context Matters: Negative emotions predict psychological health and adjustment. Motivation & Emotion, 40(4), 602-624. PDF



Gilman, T.L., Latsko, M., *Matt, L.M., *Flynn, J.J., de la Cruz Cabrera, O., Douglas, D., Jasnow, A.M., & Coifman, K.G. (2015) Variation of 5-HTTLPR and deficits in emotion regulation: A pathway to risk? Psychology & Neuroscience, 8(3). 397-413.

Shields, M.C., *Matt, L.M., & Coifman, K.G. (2015). Physical activity and negative emotion during peer-rejection: Evidence for emotion context sensitivity. Journal of Health Psychology, DOI: 10.1177/1359105315587139



Harvey, M.M., Coifman, K.G., Ross, G., Kleinert, D. & Giardina, P. (2014). Contextually appropriate emotion-word use predicts adaptive health behavior: Emotion context sensitivity and treatment adherence. Journal of Health Psychology, online first: DOI: 10.1177/1359105314532152



Zaki, L.F, Coifman, K.G., Berenson, K., Rafaeli, E. & Downey, G. (2013) Emotion Differentiation as a Protective Factor to Non-Suicidal Self Injury in Borderline Personality Disorder. Behavior Therapy, 44, 529-540.



Coifman, K.G., Ross, G.S., Kleinert, D. & Giardina,P. (2012).  Negative Affect Differentiation and Adherence during Treatment for Thalassemia. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, DOI 10.1007/s12529-012-9277-7

Coifman, K.G., Berenson, K., Rafaeli, E. & Downey, G. (2012). From negative to positive and back again; Polarized affective and relational experiences in Borderline Personality Disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 121(3), 668-679.



Berenson, K., Downey, G., Rafaeli, E., Coifman, K.G. & Leventhal, N. (2011). Perceived rejection as a trigger for rage in borderline personality disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 120(3), 681-690.



Coifman, K.G. & Bonanno, G.A., (2010). When distress does not become depression; Emotion context sensitivity and adjustment to bereavement.  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 119(3), 479-490.

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